**artbook.printedweb.org** Urgency Print Lab → Artbook @ MoMA PS1 Bookstore August 5, 2018

Printing telegraph (1850s)

The smooth flow of network culture has been normalized.

Downloading and printing are good interruptions! To slow down the material and the overwhelming condition of flow. Small acts to resist dominant narratives.

Library of the Printed Web (2013– )

And so to disperse material, by making it downloadable, is to preserve it—you keep it safe by making copies that disconnect from the network. To download is to counter-publish.

Once downloaded, files are outside the conventions and economies and flows of publishing and art. On your hard drive, you’re free to do whatever you like with your files.

Urgencyprintlab.pdf was created on August 5, 2018 and published at 5:53pm during a workshop conducted by Paul Soulellis at Artbook @ MoMA PS1 Bookstore in Long Island City, NY, USA. This file may be downloaded, shuffled, remixed, printed, re-circulated—even destroyed.

Kathleen Caliway
Dikko Faust
Esther K Smith
Thomas Jockin
M Wu
Ramona Ponce
Eric Mueller
Olivia Najt
Jackie Leger
Lulu Morfogen
Brian Paul Lamotte
Aayushi Khowala
Tiger Dingsun
Amy Bassin